Why The Nativity?

A Journey Through Life

The birth chart is a celestial map drawn from the positions of the planets at the exact moment of birth and exploring it can offer profound insight into the intricacies of one’s life and the unfolding of the soul's journey. It essentially serves as a bridge between the heavens and the earth revealing patterns, challenges, and potentials that inform your life. It is through the birth chart one can get direct access to the inherent qualities and experiences that fate has laid out for them; as the axiom goes, "As above so below, as within so without, as the universe so the soul."

By examining the position of the planets, the places they occupy and the lords that inform them we can decode the operations of fate within your life. During our session, we will delve into all the intricate layers of your birth chart in order to unravel your journey towards destiny, shed light on the recurring patterns in your life, process past experiences and illuminate the promises in your future. Ultimately, the goal for this reading is to empower you with a clearer understanding of your life according to the stars; by embracing the blueprint of your nativity you’ll be able to navigate life's challenges with a confidence and love that arises from living more consciously.