Though my astrological practice has roots in foundational schemes, my approach is contemporary and integrative.

Spiritually I find comfort in my relationship with creation and its ever-mirroring design through all its expressions. Although my consulting practice consists primarily of tarot and astrology, my background varies in folk and astrological magic, hermetic philosophy, spiritual alchemy, and mexica shamanism.

Despite growing up in the evangelical church for a portion of my childhood, my interest in these subjects root back to the lineage of gifted mystics and curanderos in my family. Given I was always inclined to spiritual matters, deviating from my religious upbringing helped me connect with roots I felt but wasn’t fully immersed in. It wasn’t until my last year of high school that I began to take my esoteric studies/practice more seriously and although my interest in astrology and tarot began as an exploration of identity and an act against religious conditioning, it has grown into something transcendental and healing in the way I experience and live my day-to-day life. I have been and continue to be a lifelong student of astrology and the occult arts since 2018.